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作者:静儿  更新时间: 2009-02-21   浏览人数:21172  评论:12  

鞋子种类(shoes variety)

Athletic shoes /Sports shoes运动鞋 Casual shoes便鞋 Hiking shoes/Travelling shoes旅游鞋 Slipper拖鞋 Sandals凉鞋 Boots马靴 Work boots工作鞋 Axido沙滩鞋 Canvas帆布鞋 Sport boots运动鞋 Pumps高跟鞋 Climbing shoes登山鞋 Football shoes足球鞋 Jogging shoes慢跑鞋 Basketball shoes篮球鞋 Canvas帆布鞋 Casualshoes便鞋 Pumps高跟鞋 Leisure休闲鞋 Tennis shoes网球鞋 Baseball shoes棒球鞋 Aerobic shoes舞蹈鞋
部位名称(Location name)

upper vamp鞋面 counter后套 binding滚边 last 楦头 top line鞋口 sole edge底边 seams缝合处 bows 饰片 stain染色 adhered粘贴 bumper包头片 steel toe钢头 eyelet and lace鞋眼带 embroidery 电绣 quarter鞋腰(身) Tongue鞋舌 Insole中底 Weit 沿条 Ornament饰物 Toe box头套 Siping切沟 Soles底台 Zigzag万能 Eye stay眼套 Collar领口 Top 面线 Back strap后吊带 Outsole大底 Mid sole-EVA EVA中插 Open toe鞋头开口 Open back鞋后开口 Lace loop穿环 Reinforcements补强 Hand sews手缝马克 Reinforce tape补强带 Inside corners内弯角 Insole board中底纸板 Textile lining布料衬里 Plat forms包边中底台 Wovens/weaves编织类 Lining内里 Heel 脚跟 Foxing护条 Eye let 鞋眼片 Overlay饰片 Socks鞋垫 Box toe鞋衬里 Print印刷 Perforation冲孔 Toe cap鞋头 Toe part鞋头部 Bobbin底线 Bar加强线 Heat sealed熔封鞋的一搬缺点:(Defect) Vamp wrinking鞋面皱纹 Stitching not even车不平均 Tricot shows up特丽可得露出来
  Wrapping not even攀帮不均匀 Shank too loose铁心太松 Heel not straight后套不正 Sole come off底脱胶 Wrong pattern 纸板错误 Wrong material材料错误 Wrong cutting裁断错误 Toe broken down鞋头凹陷 Color variation色差 Wrong last 楦头错误 Wrong colour颜色错误 Damaged upper鞋面破损 Not in pair不配双 Crooked back stay 后套歪斜 Crooked upper鞋面弯曲 Crooked屈曲,不平顺 Vamp length鞋头大小 Lasting off center攀歪 Sole laying not proper(centered)贴底不正确 Back strap too high(low,long,short)后拉带太高 Abrasion磨损 Stitching not on the mark不照记号齿车 Angle on insole中底发角 Vamp open up鞋面掀开 Wrapping not tight攀帮不紧 Shank not straight铁心不正 Cementing comes off脱胶 Outsole not smooth大底不平 Gore too weak松紧带弹性不佳 Cement on heel鞋眼沾胶 Cementing no good接着力不佳 Cleanness not enough清洁度不佳 Vamp split off 鞋面爆开 Color not matching色差 Loose thread脱线 Broken thread断线 Trun yellow变黄 Turn dark变黑 Pinch in 缩进去 Flatten变平 Rough粗糙 x-ray透痕 smeary污染 hairy 起毛 gaping 缝隙 sole adhesion大底欠胶 chip碎屑 dirty 脏的 get mildew发霉 back height 后跟高度 over cemented溢胶 bottom dirty大底不洁

wet operation 湿场作业 trimming and sorting 削整及分皮 soaking 浸水 fleshing 削肉 unhairing 脱毛 bating 酵解软化 picking 浸酸 tanning 鞣制 wringing 挤水 splitting and shaving 起层及削里 retanning, coloring 再鞣,染色 setting out 张皮 dry operation 干场作业 drying 干燥 conditioning 回湿 staking 铲软 buffing 磨皮 finshing 整饰 measuring 量皮 grading 分级 a alligator 鳄鱼皮 也称为crocodile皮 antelope leather 羚羊皮革 b buckskin 鹿绒皮 buffalo hides 水牛皮 buffalo hides, salted, wet 盐湿水牛皮 bullhide 公牛皮 butt-branded steers 臀部有烙印阉牛皮 butt leather 臀皮 c cabreta 卡利大皮 calf leather 小牛皮 calfskin 小牛皮 calfskin, with the hair on, dyed 染色小牛皮 camel leather 骆驼皮革 cape skin 开普皮 carpincho 河马皮 cattle hide 大牛皮 cattle leather, dyed 染色牛皮 cattle leather, metallized 烫金属牛皮 cattle leather, patent 漆牛皮 chamois-dressed leather 油鞣皮(雪米皮) chicago wet-salted hides 芝加哥湿盐皮 colorado steerhide 科罗拉多阉牛皮 cordovan 马臀皮 covers, file leather 公文夹用皮革 cowhide 母牛皮 cowhides, salted, wet 盐湿黄牛皮 crocodile leather 鳄鱼皮 d deer leather 鹿皮革 deerskin 鹿皮 deerskin, chamois-dressed 鹿皮 doeskin 羊绒皮 doeskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣牡鹿皮 dried 皮干 flesher 羊榔皮 fox fur skin, dressed 硝制狐皮 fox fur skin, dyed 染色狐皮 fur skins, tanned or dressed 鞣制或硝制毛皮 goat leather 山羊皮 goat leather, dyed 染色山羊皮 goat leather, metallized 烫金属山羊皮 goatskin 山羊皮 goatskin, dyed 染色山羊皮 hairsheep 直毛羊皮---绵羊的毛呈直条波浪型头发一样 heavy cows 重量母牛皮

heavy native cows 重量无烙印母牛皮 heavy native heifers 重量无烙印小母牛皮 heavy native steers 重量无烙印阎牛皮 heifer 母童牛皮 hide 大件皮 hide, buffalo, dehaired, tanned 水牛皮 hide, cattle or cow, dehaired, tanned 牛皮(黄牛皮) hide, ox, dehaired, tanned 牡牛皮 hide, steer, dehaired, tanned 牡犊皮 hide, zebra, dehaired, tanned 班玛皮 holster, pistol, leather 手枪皮套 horsehide 马皮 horse leather, dyed 烫金属马皮 horse leather, patent 漆马皮 inner hide, cow and buffalo dried 黄牛, 水牛内皮 kangaroo 袋鼠皮 kidskin skin 小羊皮 lambskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣仔羊皮 leather of sheep and lambskins 绵羊及仔绵羊皮 leather auxiliaries 皮革助剂 leather of goat and kidskins 山羊及仔山羊皮 leather sole 皮底 leather upper 皮面 leather, buffalo 水牛革 leather, calf, chrome-tanned colored and polished 铬鞣染色打光小牛皮 leather, cattle or cow 牛革 leather, crust, calf 硬小牛皮 leather, curried, calf 鞣制小牛皮 leather, kid skin 仔山羊皮 leather, ox 牡牛革 leather, sole, calf 制鞋底用小牛皮 leather, vamp, calf 制鞋面小牛皮 leather, horse or equine 马革 leather, mule 骡革 leather, steer 牡犊革 leather, zebra 斑马革 leopard fur skin, dressed 硝制豹皮 leopard fur skin, dyed 染色豹皮 light cows 轻量母牛皮 light native cows 轻量无烙印母牛/阉牛皮 lizard leather 蜥蜴皮 lizard skin 蜥蜴皮=蜥蜴类动物的皮 marten fur skin, dressed 硝制貂皮 marten fur skin, dyed 染色貂皮 macha 摩卡皮 muntafac fur skin, dressed 硝制羌皮 muntafac fur skin, dyed 染色羌皮 ostrich 鸵鸟皮 parchment-dressed leather 羊皮纸型熟皮 patent and metallized leather 漆皮及硬化剂 peccary 野猪皮 pelt 生毛皮 pheasant 鳗鱼皮 pickled hides 浸酸牛皮 pickled lamb pelts, run 浸酸羔羊皮 pigskin lining leather 猪里皮 pigskin upper leather 猪面皮 pigskin split leather 猪榔皮 pigskin 原料盐皮 pigskin nubuck upper leather 猪磨面皮 pigskins leather, tanned 加工猪皮 pony skin 小马皮 pony skin, dyed 染色小马皮 queensland hides 昆士兰皮 reconstituted and artificial leather containing leather or leather fibre 再生&人造皮革 release paper 离型纸 shark leather 鲨鱼皮 sharkskin 鲨鱼皮 shearling 毛羊皮 sheep and lambskins with the wool 带毛之绵羊及其羔羊皮 sheep and lambskins without the wool 不带毛之绵羊及其羔羊皮 sheep leather 绵羊皮 sheep leather, dyed 染色绵羊皮 sheep leather, metallized 烫金属绵羊皮 sheep leather, patent 漆绵羊皮 sheepskin 硝制绵羊皮 sheepskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣羊皮 sheepskin. with hair on, dyed 染色绵羊皮 skin 小件皮 skin, bird, with feathers removed, ranned 去毛加工之鸟皮 skin, rhinceros 犀牛皮 skiver 薄羊面皮 snakeskins, dried 干蛇皮 snakeskins, tanned 加工蛇皮 split leather 榔皮, 二层皮 steerhide 阉牛皮 suede 反毛皮 swine leather, dyed 染色猪皮 swine leather, enamelled 上釉猪皮 swine leather, metallized 烫金猪皮 tanning auxiliaries 鞣革助剂 tanning extracts 鞣革剂 tassels, leather 皮革饰缝 tiger fur skin, dressed 硝制虎皮 titanium 钛白粉 trimmings, leather 皮制饰品 upper leather of cattle and calf 牛及小牛之面皮 upper leather of goat 山羊面皮 upper leather of kid 仔山羊

White 白色
Black 黑色
Blue 蓝色
Yellow 黄色
Navy 海军蓝
Bone 骨色
Grey 灰色
Wine 酒色
Burgundy 酒红色
Red 红色
Pink 粉红色
Green 绿色
Brown 咖啡色
Beige 灰棕色
Tan 棕色
Camel 骆驼色
Rust 铁红色
Purple 紫红色
Orange 桔色
Light 浅色
Dark 深色
Measure 测量
Too Short 太短
Too Long 太长
Wide 宽
Narrow 窄
Big 大
Small 小
Dull 钝
High 高
Low 低
Thin 薄
Light 轻
Heavy 重,厚
Darker 深一点
Lighter 浅一点
Good 好
Better 较好
Bad 差
Worse 较差
Outside 外面
Inside 里面
Front 前面
Back 后面
Square 平方
Area 面积
Weight 重量
Capacity 体积
Cubic 立方

鞋子种类(Shoes Variety)
Athletic Shoes 运动鞋
Casual Shoes 便鞋
Hiking Shoes 旅游鞋
Slipper 拖鞋
Sandals 凉鞋
Boots 马靴
Work Boots 工作鞋
Axido 沙滩鞋
Canvas 帆布鞋
Sport Boots 运动靴
Pumps 高跟鞋

部位名称(Location Name)
Upper Vamp 鞋面
Counter 后套
Binding 滚边
Last 楦头
Top Line 鞋口
Sole Edge 底边
Seams 缝合处
Bows 饰片
Stain 染色
Adhered 粘贴
Bumper 包头片
Steel Toe 钢头
Eyelet And Lace 鞋眼带
Embroidery 电绣
Quarter 鞋腰(身)
Tongue 鞋舌
Insole 中底
Weit 沿条
Ornament 饰物
Toe Box 头套
Siping 切沟
Soles 底台
Zigzag 万能
Eye Stay 眼套
Collar 领口
Top 面线
Back Strap 后吊带
Out Sole 大底
Mid Sole-EVA EVA中插
Open Toe 鞋头开口
Open Back 鞋后开口
Lace Loop 穿环
Reinforcements 补强
Hand Sews 手缝马克
Reinforce Tape 补强带
Inside Corners 内弯角
Insole Board 中底纸板
Textile Lining 布料衬里
Plat Forms 包边中底台
Wovens/Weaves 编织类
Lining 内里
Heel 脚跟
Foxing 护条
Eye Let 鞋眼片
Overlay 饰片
Socks 鞋垫
Box Toe 鞋衬里
Print 印刷
Perforation 冲孔
Toe Cap 鞋头
Toe Part 鞋头部
Bobbin 底线
Bar 加强线
Heat Sealed 熔封

流程名称(Process Name)
Cutting 裁断
Wrapping 攀帮
Counter Lasting 后帮
Pull-Out Last 拔楦
Tissue Paper 塞纸
Cleaning 清洁
Stamp 烫金
Sole Press 压底
Grind Edge Of Sole 磨鞋边
Insole Staple On Last 入中底于楦上
Finish 磨光 末道漆
Sitching 针车
Primering 药水处理
Forepart Lasting 腰帮
Loose Thread 剪线头
Toe Skiving 磨鞋头
Sock Laying 塞鞋垫
Mold Prevention 防霉
Gluing 贴合
Poly(Plastic)Bag 塑胶袋
Heating&Drying 加热烘干
Vulcanized 加硫
Assembling 成型
Cementing 上糊
Pull Out 拔钉
Packing 包装
Waxing 打蜡
Sole Laying 贴底
Skive 削薄
Toe Lasting 前帮
Folding 拗边
Fixing 整理
Cooling 冷却
Adjust 调整
Lasting 入楦
Tag 标签
Marking 标示
Volatilication 挥 发

Toe Lasting Maching 前帮机
Driiiing Machine 钻孔机
Cooling System 冷却机
Thickness Gauge 厚度计
Paper Pattern 纸板
Copying Machine 复印机
Filing Cabinet 文件柜
Computer 电脑
Flexing Tester 曲折弯度试验机
Tensile Strength Tester 拉力试验机
Holing Machine 打孔机
Foiding Machine 滚边机
Cutting Die 斩刀
Moisture Tester 湿度计
Hardness Tester 硬度计
Type Writer 打字机
Telephone 电话
Instrument 用具
Ruler 尺子
Conveyor 输送带
Mold 模子
Brush 毛刷
Pincer 钳子
Air Gun 空气机
Calculator 计算器
Stapler 订书机
Tape 布尺
Freezer 冷冻箱
Scissors 剪刀

Vamp Wrinking 鞋面皱纹
Stitching Not Even 车不平均
Tricot Shows Up 特丽可得露出来
Wrapping Not Even 攀帮不均匀
Shank Too Loose 铁心太松
Heel Not Straight 鞋跟不正
Sole Come Off 底脱胶(裂开)
Wrong Pattern 纸板错误
Wrong Material 材料错误
Wrong Cutting 裁断错误
Toe Broken Down 鞋头凹陷
Color Variation 色差
Wrong Last 楦头错误
Wrong Color 颜色错误
Damaged Upper 鞋面破损
Not In Pair 不配双
Crooked Upper 鞋面弯曲
Crooked Back Stay 后套歪斜
Crooked 屈曲,不平顺
Vamp Length 鞋头大小
Lasting Off Center 攀歪
Sole Laying Not Proper (Centered)贴底不正确
Back Strap Too High(Low,Long,Short)后带太高(低,长,短)
Abrasion 磨损
Stitching Not On The Mark 不照记号齿车
Angle On Insole 中底发角
Vamp Open Up 鞋面掀开
Wrapping Not Tight 攀帮不紧
Shank Not Straight 铁心不正
Cementing Comes Off 脱胶
Outsole Not Smooth 大底不平
Gore Too Weak 松紧带弹性不佳
Cement On Heel 鞋跟沾胶
Cementing No Good 接著力不佳
Cleanness Not Enough 清洁度不佳
Vamp Split Off 鞋面爆开
Color Not Matching 色差
Loose Thread 脱线
Broken Thread 断线
Turn Yellow 变黄
Turn Dark 变黑
Pinch In 缩进去
Flatten 变平(扁)
Rough 粗糙
X-ray 透痕
Smeary 污染
Hairy 起毛
Gaping 缝隙
Sole Adhesion 大底欠胶
Chip 碎屑
Dirty 脏的
Get Mildew 发霉
Back Height 后跟高度
Over Cemented 溢胶
Bottom Dirty 大底不洁

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